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Featured Testimonial

The Naked Leftist – Overall this is a really good read as well as being a very exposing compilation of manipulation.  I have to admit it started off as a bit of a political rant but quickly turned into a well-crafted, thoroughly researched compilation of how the socialist/liberal (modern version) agenda has been covertly pushed and covered up by constant attack of public conservatives and conservative values.  I read the digital version finding the automatic redirection to references and then supporting webpages very convenient.

Sean B. Abram, P.Eng (BC, SK), FEC
ABRAM Consulting Services Ltdw down, because every sentence is a delight.


"An excellent expose of the mind of the leftist. The book contains 100's of footnotes and quotes of leftist ideology and exposes the fake news of the alphabet news media. Throughout the book Randy shares his personal story of convictions and beliefs culminating with chapter 13 detailing the answers that are found in the bible to life's most perplexing questions.

A very good resource book for conservatives and socialists alike, this book should be in every school, college and university library across Canada."


Calven Johnson

I strongly encourage you to get his book, from what I read so far it is a well written deeply researched book.


Ryan D

I found the book held so much information that I occasionally needed to set aside the book for a week to fully digest its contents.  All in all, a well thought out book to read with lots of source footnotes.


Interesting compilation of information.


 S. A


The chapter Evil Never Sleeps, Randy deals with the subject matter of religion.  This is a discussion that must be made and understood by conservatives.






Weyburn Review, April 18, 2019

REVIEW The Naked leftist


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