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2022 Saskatchewan Throne Speech

Posted 11/19/2022

Thanks to MLA Nadine Wilson, on October 26, 2022, I had the opportunity and the privilege to attend the Speech from the Throne. For that, I give thanks.

As an optimist, I hoped to witness the return of conservative values. Instead, it was frustration and disappointment. Besides the lack of decorum from our Sask Party MLAs, the speech became a socialist’s wet dream.

While it acknowledged the tragedy of eleven deaths, the government willfully ignores the damage it caused with a phony pandemic.

The Throne speech failed to acknowledge the struggles and lies this government created. People lost their jobs, lost their businesses, suffered through mental illness, and most egregiously, it caused irrevocable harm to our children. And for what? Our survival rate from this cold virus is greater than 99.9%.

There was no mention of deaths and other harms caused by adverse events from an untested gene therapy drug. A Pfizer executive admitted in the EU congress that the COVID Jab was never tested to show whether it blocked transmission. Why was the Carol Pearce tragedy not mentioned, or the seven deaths listed in HE123-22G freedom of information request? How many others died from adverse events but failed to be recorded?

According to the Throne speech, our employment is 4.1%; how many people remain unemployed, uncounted and unable to receive unemployment benefits because they were let go for refusing to take the harmful jab?

We also heard about the government's plans to balance the budget. We’ve heard this hollow promise before, but the Sask Party continuously reneges.

We heard of increasing surgical capacity and hiring health care practitioners. This promise resulted from a contrived pandemic and government mismanagement when you forced closures of hospitals and stopped elective surgeries.

These new health care positions, are they replacements for those fired because they questioned the unscientific narrative? Or when they refused to undertake a toxic gene therapy drug that has little effect in stopping Covid, and subsequently forced to submit to a toxic DNA (PCR, or rapid) test three or four times a week? It was obvious you trounced upon their civil liberties. And our fascist government further removed those liberties by altering legislation that prevented any means of recourse.

These health-care-workers, as mentioned in the speech, are they nurses and doctors or are these positions to be filled in human resources, accounting, or positions that are janitorial? Will these new doctors actually practice medicine and commit to healing, supporting their patients? Or will it be more of the same? Because, according to my former doctor, “Your personal health does not matter; it is for the benefit of the public good.” Or, the response from a second doctor? “I can give you a medical exemption for a mask, but I will no longer be able to practice medicine with the SHA.”

Why is Saskatchewan concentrating on recruiting nurses from the Philippines? Is it because they are submissive to communist/fascist rule?

It is obvious, health care in Saskatchewan is now medical assistance in death.

The Throne speech also touched on a new hospital for Weyburn. Does Weyburn need a hospital? Closing hospitals at the onset of this 2020 fiasco proves Weyburn does not need a hospital. Further proof—Weyburn’s emergency room suffered rolling closures this past summer.

Regarding the 135,000 publicly funded surgeries mentioned, — Is there a choice for privately funded surgeries? Or is one forced to travel outside Saskatchewan?

We also heard of “revenues from our strong and growing economy” -- These revenues you speak of come from the taxpayers. Cut spending and lower our tax burdens.

The speech addressed educational needs. It began with mentioning rising fuel and insurance costs. Federal and provincial government mismanagement bore both of these crises.

I question the need for 200 EA positions. Parents are fed up with the LBGT and socialist indoctrination coming from our teachers and are now choosing to home school. You ignored the education needs of our children with school closures when there was no hint of a pandemic.

When our children returned to school, their physical and mental health became threatened from facial coverings, from social distancing, and from the persistent lies concerning the danger of this virus. Which was actually nothing worse (if not less) than that of a cold or flu.

Will our children be better served by a centralized online learning model? Is this to address the home-schooling influx and force parents to indoctrinate their children with subversive teachings?

What is this vague oversight that was addressed within the speech? Does it include schools and school boards being agents of the SHA? Records from recent freedom of information requests cause one to draw this conclusion. Or, perhaps the oversight being mentioned was that parents saw through the government’s lies and refuse to vaccinate their children; children, who have a zero percent mortality rate from Covid.

I must question the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. This agreement, does it sell out Saskatchewan farmers and cause them to reduce fertilizer usage? Does it further the WEF agenda and its great reset?

It doesn’t surprise me that this government mentions the ills of carbon and the misconception that carbon is evil and dangerous. Common sense and science are ignored once again, because every living organism consists of carbon. If we remove and lower CO2 levels too much, all life ceases to exist. We can conclude our government is a shill for the WEF.

We heard of international trade offices in foreign countries. what proof is there that these offices benefit Saskatchewan tax payers? This investment, are these countries purchasing our land, our bushiness's, or simply our products?

The number one barrier Saskatchewan people faced was “two weeks to flatten a curve” before there were any signs of a pandemic. How long did we suffer through the flattening of this curve? What benefit did it provide? Freedom of information requests concerning a cost/benefit analysis to the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and to the Premier’s office all returned responses that stated, “No records exist.”

Because of your failed policies, health care became overburdened due to bed shortages. If patients were treated properly with Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, rather than harmful ventilators and poisons like Remdesivir, we would have not realized a near collapse of our health care system and the needless deaths of our loved ones. It also causes me to ask, how many excess deaths these past three years exceeded the long-term average prior to 2020? What were their demographics of these deaths? Moe, Duncan and Merriman continue to ignore my questions on this subject and others. 

The Throne speech ignored the thousands of Saskatchewan individuals hurt by vaccine adverse events, but chose not to ignore Ukraine. These displaced Ukrainians, are they wanted for war crimes? Were they convicted of money laundering? Child and drug trafficking? The Ukrainian is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, so why does Saskatchewan choose to support a country that promotes Nazism?

For what purpose does Saskatchewan need to mark treaty boundaries along a major highway?

Saskatchewan tax payers supplied how much government funding to construct solar and wind powered projects? How much agricultural land was taken out of service to install these eyesores? And how much of a benefit will they provide? We should have been developing nuclear power in this beautiful province decades ago.

I took some satisfaction with developing of nuclear power and also our premier finally speaking out against Ottawa’s attack on western provinces. However, the Throne speech failed miserably to fully address our problem living at 24 Sussex Drive.

It wasn't only our rights concerning natural resources, it was also our personal civil liberties that were ignored. Federal and provincial powers abused our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and especially our Canadian Bill of Rights. Scott Moe and the Sask Party encouraged that erosion.

“Under the constitution, Saskatchewan has:” (at the very least, we as individuals have the right to)

•             the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law; (This includes one’s own body)

•             the right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law;

•             freedom of religion;

•             freedom of speech;

•             Freedom of expression;

•             freedom of assembly and association;

•             Right to earn a living

It seems our governments forgot those fundamental liberties.

“It is incumbent upon my government to now defend that jurisdiction and ensure…” Why NOW? Why not in March 2020, when we first witnessed the elimination of our rights’ and freedoms? Is it because the Sask Party lost 90% of its donations and is also being threatened by the Buffalo Party and possibly the birth of two other political parties?

This proposed amendment to Saskatchewan’s Constitution, does it reverse legislation that removed an individual’s rights under the guise of Covid? You continue to injury and kill Saskatchewan individuals with drugs that have little or no efficacy toward COVID; yet we cannot sue the government or our employers who forced and extorted us into taking a gene altering drug. Legislation continues to be amended to protect the guilty for our loss of rights.

Adding insult to those of us who took our freedoms seriously, we continue to hear of the development of Saskatchewan Marshals Service. Will this be the continuation of Saskatchewan's version of the Schutzstaffel? We already witnessed such with fascists covid cops.

If anyone remained awake for the Thrones’ ending, it addressed sustainable growth and once more addressed climate change. Climate change is natural, and man can do little to affect it. Resources are better to be put forward incinerating garbage rather than creating massive landfills. Use the proven energy for co-generation rather than these unsightly wind and solar farms.

Rather than address the evil perpetrated upon our seniors in senior care facilities and hospitals, we heard lip service—our Senior’s income plan will increase $30 per month. During the lock down, loved ones could not visit family or friends, but saw themselves as criminals to be locked in their rooms. How many of those individuals died of a broken heart? And afterwards, many of us could not pray and bury our dead with the support of family and friends.

It’s time for new leadership and new executive to represent the people of Saskatchewan and with most of you behind bars for the harm and deaths you’ve caused.

And it came as no surprise, rather than addressing the issues mentioned above, right on cue, what does our critical thinking Saskatchewan media report? Colin Thatcher attended the Throne speech!


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