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What is freedom? What is truth?

Posted 9/12/2022

What is freedom?

Can we live with unrestrained freedom?

Yet, tyranny is coming. Unless we stop it; it will roll over us.

But I do not wish to live with unbridled liberties, because with that type of freedom comes anarchy. One man’s freedom to institute his will impinges upon another’s man’s right to live a life without oppression.

Thus, a code of laws must be needed. The wisdom of God commanded those right and just laws to Moses. And Moses shared those two stone tablets with us.

Unfortunately, man twists those laws to use in his favour rather than God’s favour. When man, especially the government, breaks big laws, they meet the citizens with small laws. And boy, do we have small laws.

The search for truth is one of the strongest impulses and commands mankind should and must have. Unfortunately, today our thirst for knowledge now comes at our detriment from those pushing whimsical feelings and without rational thought.

Or worse—relying on an answer from an app on your smart phone without separating the meat from the potatoes, gleaning fact from fiction. Once you found your answer, seconds later, you’ve forgotten anything you just read and failed to understand or question the validity of the answer.

Einstein once said a blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

In the Argument from Authority Figures, Saint Thomas Aquinas describes an argument from authority as the “weakest form of argument.” It’s an invitation for someone to do the thinking for you, for us.

Shouldn’t we all seek truth? What, which truth should we seek? Each of us needs to ask within ourselves for that answer.

Unfortunately, so many neglect or decline to do so.

Those who are in authority, such as politicians — who were elected to represent you and me; the police who were hired to protect and serve the citizens—have now conceded truth. Especially in matters concerning our Canadian Constitution and maintaining an individual's rights and freedoms.

We also witness so many of our esteemed Church leaders who fail to carry the cross of truth.

What happened to these men of truth?

We now entrust brambles to reign over mighty cedars. Too many individuals walk stooped, hunched back, rather than upright, with heads held high and eyes focused. They no longer worketh for righteousness and purity of heart, but are now slaves to a socialist society.

Weakened minds now corrupt rational thought and destitute truth. Parasites that they are.

My Socratic thoughts cause me to reflect on the 200-year Tytler Cycle. “Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again to bondage.”


What can we do to stop and reverse this transgression?


God commanded us to share the Good News. This not only includes the Gospel but truth—and truth comes in many forms.


What is truth?


That truth—too many ignored asking that all important question of what is truth? Instead, they allowed those in authority to remove our rights and freedoms: two weeks to flatten the curve led to masking, social distancing and governments deciding who was essential. No massive outcries for our loss of freedoms led to forced vaccinations and digital passes. Sensible people disregarded statements from our leaders concerning the Great Reset, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030. All of which, explicitly and publicly, informed us we would own nothing and be happy.


Failure to witness truth dooms generations forever. Unless the Tytler cycle once more reboots itself, the lives and freedoms of your children will be lost forever.


Accept reality, but do not embrace. Dare to lift your voice. One acorn seed can produce an entire forest.

Surround yourself with those on the same mission as yourself. It creates a symbiotic relationship that produces strength and courage. Friends and family will attack you—those who are blind to the truth. Or by those who arise in their awakening.

When people wake up, they will be fearful, and won’t know what’s happening. They will be ashamed of their ignorance. Patience, temperance and empathy are necessary to release these individuals from their slumber.

Be willing to fight for your freedoms, sacrifice for your family, friends. Be a leader, not a follower; and definitely do not act like an ostrich burying its head within the sand when evil comes to lurk.

Fear not, but stay strong, and fight with a smile.

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