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What one can learn from reading Atlas Shrugged, or from The Naked leftist

Posted 3/30/2022

The basic and most obvious take away from both literary works, the wealthy do not oppress the poor. Instead, under collectivism, the least productive loot and benefit from the most productive.

The term Progressive is actually a misnomer and has nothing to do with furthering society’s progress. Human progress and prosperity depend on rational thinking, not a dependence on government, or in others do I trust. Freedom and independent thought created many inventions throughout history. Critical thinking advanced civilization.

So, what has oppression and socialism created?


  • Government exploits the masses to suit itself.
  • Government shackles the people.
  • Heavy taxation.
  • Massive social welfare programs.
  • Human parasites.
  • Tight governmental regulations of individuals.
  • Anti-trust legislation.
  • Personal liberties infringed, such as freedom of choice, freedom of religion, health, and peaceful protests.
  • Thinkers lack freedom.
  • Steady decline in prosperity.
  • Bondage to the government.
  • Productive men have no rights.
  • Rewards misery, punishes virtue.
  • Meddle in my family’s affairs.
  • Eliminate creative minds > Regression to primitive thought = Extinction of our species.
  • In other words—a stifled mind regresses to primitive ignorance.

Under socialism, who is your brother’s keeper? We are told to trust the institution; it is moral and just and all men shall be treated with fairness. The state is good; the state is kind; in reality, if you go too far in denying its sainthood, your arrest will be met with power released from the barrel of a gun. We, the government, give you this, but we take that; and decisions are made at the whim of bureaucrats, rather than rational thought. Those whims usually grease the hands of a politician or lobbyist rather than those who socialism was intended to serve.

When a government is granted legal power to control the economy, it has the power to grant economic favours. It means a top-down political rule that attracts corrupt individuals seeking power and or wealth. Actually, the snorting hogs slopping at the money trough---the corporate leaders---were already government collaborators wishing to destroy their competitors.

We no longer enjoy free will. Government is the new religion. One where faith is placed in brick and mortar built by man, rather than an institution with faith, morality and centered upon God. Government dictates the support of its bureaucracy, its creed. And that all people who serve under it are irrational and limited in intelligence. The system will think for them.

Unfortunately, many individuals who consider themselves as rational and intelligent are not. Many turned insane a long time ago—darkening of the intellect, and narrowing of the mind. Most of society cannot see what is really there when they ignore truth and act as if truth does not exist.

The theory of truth is overrun with feelings, uneducated beliefs, and social opinions. A populace that lacks a mind of their own produces a symbiotic relationship where parasites feed off the productive. Meanwhile, rational, critical thinking draws us closer to the truth. Unless one must draw upon corrupted information as realized in this contrived pandemic, we lived these past 2 years. It forces us to question, are humans conscious?

A sane man lives consistently with what he knows to be true. He discovers it, ponders it. Unfortunately, for many of us, reality turns out to be beyond our understanding. Sanity means living in a real world.

When progressives quote scripture or exploit religion, beware, it is used to manipulate, exploit those who have not comprehended the Bible, the misinformed. Morality is a weapon evil uses to control the mind of the weak. Self-sacrifice moral code allows men to make outrageous demands, to control, to make those to feel obligated. My brother’s keeper has been abused for ages, and is one such term used to cajole. Many do not understand that the Bible is not socialist in nature, and one must be fully aware of that fact.

Honour not only your constitutional but your God-given rights. Beware of an immoral constitution, where laws are derived by man. For it is often dissimilar and often contradicts God’s laws. Man’s law is confrontational and protects the guilty while ignoring and disrespecting those who have been violated.

In a socialist system, government violates the rights of those who are productive members of society. Such a society consumes rather than produces and saves. And such a society quickly sets for failure.

Leftist cannot tolerate disruptive forces in their world. Yet the entire bureaucracy is meant to disrupt. Phrases such as ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ are meant for compliance. While faith in a religion cannot be tolerated, because that thought of a Supreme Being overshadows a tolerant, benevolent government. A benevolent government that promises to provide the necessities of life, the nature of your work, your wage, housing needs, travel needs, and most of all, limit carbon consumption to protect a crowded dying planet.

In a leftist society, government thugs insert themselves into peaceful organizations to subvert and instigate criminal charges under the pretense of protecting the population’s health and safety. Personal welfare is ignored for the benefit of the public good.

Government wishes to suck the life and energy out of everyone, producing complacent sheep, stifled of independent thought. When a few of us carry the world’s weight on our shoulders, and fight them at their own game, our lawmakers change the rules to suit themselves and protect their self-serving game.

The dead do not argue. In fact, they do not speak. We witness multitudes of the living dead, going about their day to day lives, yet they know not that their liberties have been removed. Or worse yet, do not care. A populace that fails to take chances but relies on others soon becomes mind numbing robots. Taking no pride in their work, their daily goal is committed just enough to get by; essentially ghosts who cover their asses.

It’s hard to say what came first, ignorance or indifference. We now live in an age enabled by ‘Democracy of the Dead’; we live in a time where intellectual laziness and irreverence for truth has become too easy. We depend on talents and authority of others than no other age before.

“The most deadly poison of our time is indifference.” Maximillian Kolbe.

The mass silently consents, comply as they are led to the gas chambers, not wishing to draw attention to themselves or their family. Living like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand. But when you bury your head, you offer your ass. And when one removes their head from their own ass, or someone else’s, the landscape is no longer recognizable.

Government is the code of death. Inevitably, irrational minds causes its own demise. But at what costs? Human, economical, and most of all, love (of others and of self), are all destroyed. Attempting to guilt us into submission, those of us who wish to be productive are designated bourgeois, anti-social, selfish capitalists—detested scoundrels to be pilloried. We must correct the fallacy that man is enslaved to his employer. Rather, the slave masters, our bondage is to a corrupt government and its failed bureaucracy.

Government penalizes a man’s effort for hard work, while rewarding those of limited accomplishment. Socialists and collectivists always pin the label of ‘SELFISH’ on the individual, and never on government. Diversion, seeking pleasure, ambition, or sheer busyness—all works too well—we have all applied such strategies to divert us away from life’s hard realities.

Concerning the spirit of freedom; Don’t Tread on Me. Those who look after themselves in the spiritual and physical sense are penalized. An honourable government’s aim is to protect the rights of individuals and have no right to prohibit man’s productive abilities. Freedom allows you to pursue and share your ideas, your convictions and openly point out those who you disagree.

Altruism and nihilism go hand in hand. My experience shows that each hates achievements and the great people who create them. The greatest capitalists are entrepreneurs with new with ideas. They produce value by one’s own effort. We must embrace the achievements of the mind and of men, and not of those who chose to under achieve.

Socialism claims to serve the needy, but in reality, penalizes those who accomplish. A socialist system always harms the most productive in society to benefit from the quick interests of the unproductive. Having witnessed this, during my employment for a Saskatchewan Crown corporation, by my estimate 15% of us supported the unproductive 85%.

No one can deny that a government is inefficient and costly; especially one led by leftism. Under socialism, rather than giving everyone a Porsche, as the populace envisions, they are provided bicycles with no tires; each with the same production costs as a Porsche. Rather than progress, socialism reverts to the days of horse and buggy, except all the horses have been slaughtered to provide food for the masses. That decline in civilization realizes humanity back to the stone age.

Under a leftist society—corruption is the only way for an individual to rise above, get ahead of their fellow man. What happens is a certain few, those predetermined, will find themselves wealthier on the backs of others, building their own kingdoms to rule in fiefdom.

This brings to light an error within a democracy and a majority rule—socialism breeds socialism, communism, and fascism. Those without critical thinking succumb to the crowd. And, unfortunately, that herd mentality quickly kills off those of independent thought, or forces it to go underground. Do not mistake herd mentality for herd immunity, with herd immunity the strong survive. My warning here is: Government enslaves those who choose not to engage.

I identify has a strong fiscal conservative. But I am also a strong Christian. I choose to share my wealth with individuals who I deem worthy. I choose not to redistribute my wealth to corrupt leftists and their lobbyists friends: Antifa; Black Lives Matter; nor do I wish to fund abortion, or corrupt third world countries; nor for the removal of carbon in our lives. I determine who is needy, not a bureaucrat wishing to line his friend’s pocket; nor do I wish to endow a terrorist like Omar Khadr.

Money is not the root of all evil. In Genesis, we read: ‘be fruitful and multiply’. God is not only telling us to be prolific in producing children but also in our wealth. It enables us to provide for future generation. Just as Joseph, in Genesis 41:48 --- serving the Pharaoh, Joseph collected surplus food throughout the land of Egypt. He prepared for famine. While the world suffered, Egypt prospered when she sold its grain to surrounding nations.  

Do I think some individuals are overcompensated for their productivity? Short answer, yes! Let me draw your attention to Hollywood. Do many of these actors and actresses deserve multi-million contracts? Is it their talent or because of their politics?

The chances of incompetence succeeding in a capitalist system are limited. Not impossible, one only needs to look at Zuckerberg, the Kardashians, and a few other individuals like a few Hollywood actors for proof of this lack of brilliance.

Does the woman wielding a shovel necessitate the same wage as the person who invents a motor that can pull electricity from the sky? In a free-market society, we have been given the ability to offer those contracts. In the same vein, I choose not to support some of these Hollywood individuals when I turn off the television.

Virtue signalling in telling me what I should do when you do opposite, provides little support to your cause. Don’t tell me to use a bus in my travels while you jet set yourself to your three homes that reside in exotic locations. I’ll allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labour, yet better do the same for me.

To deny pursuing personal happiness is contrary to life. Happiness is much as a need for food, water and shelter. Individuals must pursue their own self interest. If not, the mind weakens and any loss of rational thoughts becomes detrimental to a successful society. You must prevent the code of death.

I remain objective. Sometimes the need for a book outweighs the need for a car, or even a vaccine. What will add meaning to a person’s life? And who should determine that need? Yourself, or government? The ability of a person to beg does not factor into his required needs, nor the amount of my wealth he receives.

Socialism thrives on killing people’s sprits, while Religion uplifts. Which is a greater love, driving the get-away car for a friend, or steering someone toward everlasting life yet knowing you will be slapped or nailed to a cross?

The naked tyranny of dictatorship is the logical outcome of rejecting the mind. You either live by reason or by force. Force wins in the short term, but eventually it fails. The mind is stronger than brute strength, it is the power that moves the world. It is not guns, or other weapons of war. Force will ultimately collapse from its ineptitude. What kind of power do you yield once you’ve returned society back to the stone age? Once geniuses are free to think and create, a creative mind will return for betterment.

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