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Vaccines and Passports—Continued

Posted 11/9/2021

Today’s observational note: SCIENCE—following the money rather than the truth.

A German pharmaceutical company developed heroin in 1898 and marketed the product as a cure for tuberculosis. Heroin was also used to wean addicts off of morphine. Once believed to be non-addictive, heroin turned out to be even more addictive than morphine, and the cycle began.

Cocaine was widely promoted in the late 1800s as a cure for erectile dysfunction and depression by such renowned psychologists as Sigmund Freud. Its addictive properties were not discovered or acknowledged until after cocaine became a popular food additive. Cocaine was banned in the U.S. in 1922 after reporting high death rates among users in the previous decade.

PCP was developed by a pharmaceutical company to help patients. PCP was meant for use as an anesthetic but was discontinued because of severe side effects which included delirium, hallucinations and mania. Veterinarians later adopted PCP for use as an animal tranquilizer.

LSD is an abbreviation for lysergic acid diethylamide, a strong hallucinogenic drug first produced in 1938 in Switzerland. It was supposed to act as a blood stimulant, but was not marketed for that purpose once its strong hallucinogenic properties were discovered. At one time, it was used to treat alcoholism and distributed for psychiatric experiments and from there ended up on the street.

Ecstasy, or MDMA, was first developed in 1912 by Merck. Merck was interested in developing substances that stopped abnormal bleeding. On December 24th, 1912, Merck filed two patent applications that described the synthesis and some chemical properties of MDMA. In 1953 and 1954, the United States Army commissioned a study of toxicity and behavioral effects in animals injected with mescaline and several analogues, including MDMA. Leo Zeff, a psychotherapist who used psychedelic substances in his practice. When he tried the drug in 1977, impressed with the effects of MDMA, Zeff came out of semi-retirement to promote its use in therapy. Over the following years, Zeff traveled around the United States and occasionally to Europe, eventually training an estimated four thousand psychotherapists in the therapeutic use of MDMA. MDMA is illegal in most countries and, as of 2018, has no approved medical uses.

Vaccination is considered a medical procedure. In Saskatchewan, my home province, vaccination can ordinarily be performed only with the consent of the patient, or in the case of younger children, with parental consent. A substitute decision-maker may be named by a prospective patient to act if the patient is no longer competent to give consent.


I can choose medically assisted suicide and die. I can choose to sign a DNR and die. I can choose not to have cancer treatment and die. I can choose to refuse any surgery and die. I can choose not to take any medications, even if it's needed or means I could die.

But we are now being coerced, forced to inoculate our bodies with an experimental injection to prevent us from dying from a “disease” with a less than 1% chance of death (in other words, a 99.97% chance you live). If I don’t refuse and inoculate, I increase my chance of suffering numerous adverse reactions that include death. Why would I choose to vaccinate?

The unvaccinated must quarantine after testing negative for covid because they came in contact with a fully vaccinated. But the vaccinated can continue living unencumbered to spread Covid.

If you need a booster shot after being fully vaccinated, and testing after fully vaccinated, and you require masks, social distancing and continued lockdowns—what is the purpose of being vaccinated?

For the first time ever, a medicine’s ineffectiveness is being blamed on those who haven’t taken the jab or received a passport. 

  • How many vaccine doses render one fully vaccinated?
  • What is the purpose of vaccine passports?
  • When will vaccine passports be cancelled?
  • When will it expire or need to be renewed?
  • Will a passport become permanent and include other future viruses?
  • Will the passport be adapted to keeping track of our social credit?

It’s not the job of vaccine passports, nor the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated. That’s the vaccine’s job. The same applies to masks.

It’s not the government's job to protect my rights, or my health. It’s my job to protect my health, earn a living. When you trade liberty for safety, you end up losing both your health and your rights.

There’s a commonality between unvaccinated and the vaccinated. They will always consider the vaccinated unvaccinated. Quarterly, semi-annually, yearly booster shots will be demanded.

One thing for certain, if you don’t vaccinate, you won’t have the possibility of dying from the vaccine.

I’m just wondering if our politicians and so-called leaders understand the meaning of coercion? Because, apparently preventing one from eating in a public restaurant does not equate to coercion; preventing one from traveling does not equate as coercion; preventing one from receiving medical treatment does not equate to coercion; preventing one from earning a living does not equate to coercion. How does this not infringe on our rights and freedoms?

The media and our government leaders claim the only ones being hospitalized are the unvaccinated. Yet the CDC says otherwise[i] (along with doctors and nurses speaking out). Doesn’t it seem strange our Healthcare Industry needs to fire all the unvaccinated health care workers to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, including those overworked doctors and nurses who battled tirelessly throughout this so-called pandemic?

That irony increases. Passengers must submit to the jab, but the pilots walked off the job to avoid the jab.

Things of gotten bad to worse when a British mother is told that her baby isn’t her property, and that when it’s born the government will force a Covid test on it. And because she objects, they will call social workers on her. [ii]

Qualified hard-working people are losing their livelihoods for a damn vaccine. This madness needs to stop!


A popular meme says it all:  "For the first time in history, we can transmit a disease we don't have, to those who are immunized against it."

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